kabul archivio 2022

epa09417769 Afghans including those who worked for the US, NATO, Europe Union and the United Nations in Afghanistan wait outside the Hamid Karzai International Airport to flee the country, after Taliban took control of Kabul, Afghanistan, 17 August 2021. Several people were reportedly killed at Kabul airport on 16 August as Afghans were attempting to hang on a moving US military plane leaving the airport. Taliban co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar earlier in the day declared victory and an end to the decades-long war in Afghanistan, a day after the insurgents entered Kabul to take control of the country. Baradar, who heads the Taliban political office in Qatar, released a short video message after President Ashraf Ghani fled and conceded that the insurgents had won the 20-year war.  EPA/STRINGER

I veterani Cia criticano Putin: “Sottovaluta gli ucraini come i sovietici l’Afghanistan. Lezione ignorata”

La ferita della fuga frettolosa e disastrosa da Kabul, voluta testardamente da Joe Biden,  ancora brucia agli Usa eppure, a cinque settimane dall’inizio della guerra di Vladimir Putin contro l’Ucraina, i veterani americani che lavorarono per conto della Cia in Afghanistan, criticano il leader russo tirando in ballo un confronto: i sovietici “sottovalutarono gli afghani negli anni […]

di Roberto Frulli - 2 Aprile 2022